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3D - Unicorn strategy: How to disrupt and succeed?


You’re here because you’ve got a problem worth solving and you’re ready to take it on like a leader. Eager to turn your startup into the next big thing? Aiming to transform your industry and join the ranks of the unicorns? here's how to refine your strategy, disrupt the norm, and achieve extraordinary growth.

1. Disrupting the business models

Time to change:

You’ve got your target audience locked down and their needs mapped out. Next up? Changing how the business game is played in your field. Here's how you can do it:


a. Innovate in distribution:

Change how you sell. Sell with a twist. Think shoes sold through an app where each buy helps a cause. It's not just about the product; it's about making a difference. Stand out by how you sell, not just what you sell.

b. Make referrals exciting:

Traditional referrals? Boring. Referrals are a powerful tool for customer acquisition, but they're often underutilised. By reimagining your referral program to offer more than just discounts, you can create a sense of community and belonging and can start a buzz around your brand. Be Inspired By: Dropbox. Their genius referral program massively scaled their user base by rewarding both the sender and receiver. 

c. Adopt unique pricing models:

Forget flat rates. Imagine a pricing model that celebrates customer victories. A fitness app where fees are tied to pounds lost or miles run. Make paying feel like a high-five for their achievements. It’s more than a transaction; it’s a celebration of progress.

2. Embrace cutting-edge technology

Tech is your best friend:

Embrace the latest in tech to offer something fresh and exciting. This enhances your business model and customer experience.

a. AI for a personal touch:

Picture this: a digital shopping assistant that not only knows your customers' names but their preferences, past purchases, and even predicts what they might need next. This isn’t the stuff of science fiction—it’s the magic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) at work. For founders, implementing AI means creating a unique, personalized customer journey that stands out in a crowded market. It’s about offering that “wow” factor that turns first-time buyers into lifelong advocates.


b. IoT: Smart solutions, happier lives

Think of objects that solve problems before your customers even recognize them. A plant that waters itself? Yes, please. IoT is your chance to inject magic into the mundane, making your startup indispensable. For founders, this means identifying opportunities to solve common problems in innovative ways, making customers’ lives easier and more enjoyable in the process.

c. Blockchain: Trust, transformed

In the digital world, trust is currency. It's about creating a world where every transaction is transparent and tamper-proof. For founders, this means building a brand that stands on the solid ground of integrity.

d. Emerging tech:

The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. Keeping an eye on emerging technologies like virtual reality (VR) shopping experiences can give founders a competitive edge. It’s about imagining the impossible and then making it happen—transforming how customers interact with your products and setting new industry standards.

3. Forge new markets

Why compete when you can lead? Instead of fighting in crowded markets, create your own playground.

a. Innovative services with AI: 

Picture AI as your entrepreneurial edge, not just a tech add-on. Dive into the everyday, discover where AI can flip the script, and transform the mundane into the magnificent. It’s in these innovations where your venture leaps from interesting to indispensable. Seize AI as your opportunity to not just participate, but to lead and redefine the game.


Transform customer service by upgrading from basic AI chatbots to advanced AI that anticipates and addresses customer needs proactively. This AI learns from interactions, predicting and solving problems before they arise, offering a deeply personalized experience. It's not just using AI—it's innovating with it to redefine customer engagement, placing your business ahead as both innovative and intensely customer-focused.

b. Spotting unmet needs:

Great founders spot opportunities where others see voids. It’s about finding those unmet needs that scream for attention and addressing them with solutions that don’t just fill a gap but create fervent fans. Dive into sustainability—a sphere ripe with potential. Picture a service delivering eco-friendly cleaning supplies right to your customer's doorstep. This isn’t just selling products; it’s a statement of values, a community you’re building around sustainability and care.

c. Make experiences unforgettable:

In a digital age, experiences are the new currency. Founders who use technology to craft unforgettable moments don’t just sell; they create memories, loyalty, and a fervent following. Example, VR tours of holiday homes? That’s giving your customers the magic of teleportation. Use technology not just to sell, but to enchant and engage.

d. Target untapped demographics:

True innovators look where others overlook. Targeting untapped demographics is not just a business strategy; it’s a mission to include, understand, and cater to those who have been ignored. Designing for seniors? You’re not just selling gadgets; you’re enhancing lives, making technology an ally for those left in the digital dark.

For founders, this isn’t just about being first; it’s about being unforgettable and irreplaceable. Dive in, disrupt, and make the market yours.


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